David & Jennifer met in Maui. David is originally from Boston and Jennifer from Sonoma County.

They lived on the island for over four years, before moving back to Sonoma County and getting married on the family ranch during the summer of 2003.

David graduated with a business degree from The College of William & Mary in Virginia. He worked as a stockbroker on Wall Street before moving to Maui. That’s where he started his first business, an apparel company called Aloha Custom.

Jennifer holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling and works as a Marriage and Family Therapist with InTune Family Counseling.

We enjoy hiking local parks, with favorites including Foothill, Shiloh Ranch, and Riverfront Regional Park.

Having grown up in Massachusetts, David taught the girls to be loyal supporters of New England sports teams!

Sara is finishing her junior year in the AP core at Windsor High School and is president of the Best Buddies Club. Sara helps with special events at The Community Shops and will be working as a camp counselor in New Hampshire over the summer.

Ava is completing her sophomore year at George Washington University in Washington DC, majoring in International Affairs and minoring in Political Science and Latin American Studies. During her time at Windsor High, she was also involved in Best Buddies, Committee for Change, and the WUSD School Board.

“We have three dogs, all rescued through Greendog Rescue. Charlie is a Dachshund mix and about ten years old. One of his many nicknames is Speed Bump because he’s always underfoot, especially when we’re in the kitchen. Lola is a terrier mix with a silver Mohawk, about 5-6 years old, and makes snorting noises whenever she goes up stairs. Little is a four year old Chihuahua and affectionately referred to as our Foster Fail. She’s arguably the real head of the household.

“We live near Esposti Park on Savannah Way. We moved here during the summer of 2012 from our family’s ranch on the outskirts of Healdsburg. We’ve always loved Windsor’s focus on family and the strong sense of community. We used to drive our kids over 30 minutes each way so they could attend Cali Calmécac Language Academy, before finally moving here. Jennifer’s Dad, Dr. Leo Becnel, was Windsor’s first optometrist, moving his practice here in the early 1980’s. He led the way in instilling the importance of supporting this community as a long-time member of The Lions Club, The Rotary Club, and The Kiwanis Club.

We really enjoy walking our dogs around the neighborhood, seeing our neighbors, and hearing how their families are doing.

Our kids were able to enjoy so many of the activities Windsor offers, including dance, gymnastics, parks & Rec camps, theater, and soccer. David coached both girls’ teams in the Windsor Youth Soccer League, starting in the U6 division, until they either aged out or joined a club team. People always said that they knew when a Hamelburg team was playing because you could hear David cheering from across Wilson Ranch! David was also a WYSL board member for 12 years, and the girls eventually returned to the league as referees.

Our daughters speak three languages. Jennifer’s Mom is originally from Germany and grew up traveling the world, eventually speaking five languages fluently. Once our girls were born, Jennifer only spoke to them in German while David spoke to them in English. They learned Spanish while attending Cali Calmécac Language Academy. Ava (used to) and Sara (still) attends the same YMCA overnight summer camp in Grantham, New Hampshire that David went to when he was a kid.

We visit family in Boston every year and love to explore new places and cultures whenever schedules allow. We’ve also been getting to know Washington DC, now that Ava is there!

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