Four new Banks are coming to Windsor on May 23rd. The troubled and loveable Banks family and their amazing nanny, Mary Poppins.

The Windsor Middle School’s Career Technical Education (CTE) Intro to Performing Arts class is producing Mary Poppins on Monday May 23 at 1pm and 7pm, and Tuesday May 24 at 1pm and 7pm. The show will be live and live streamed. Tickets are $10. Watch the school website for ticket sales info, or email Mrs. Cullen at [email protected]

How are they doing it? The class was divided into five teams: sets, props, costumes, marketing, and dance. Each group was trained by Mrs. Cullen and other industry leaders and volunteers. Diane Donham from Windsor Dance Academy taught the students how to dance and how to choreograph. Brent Farris from KZST taught the students about marketing and getting the word out. Jen Cox, from England, taught the students about social structures in early 1900’s England and helped the students with their accents. Tamilee Frazzel taught the students about costuming and helped to organize and create costumes for the show. Mrs. Cullen helped the sets and props crews know how to use the tools and do special effects.

Zach Gardner from the set team says the easiest part of his job is making the special effects. The hardest part was thinking up how to make the special effects.

Izabell Rovetti works on the costuming team. She says, “Measuring people for fitting the costumes is the easy part. The hardest part is designing the costume.”

Malaki Johnson from the props and special effects team says the hardest thing is making the Mary Poppins bag appear to hold a lot of BIG stuff.

Jude Hammond said it is fun dancing, but the hardest thing is remembering the dances.

From the Marketing Team, Carlos Franco Becerra says the easy part of marketing is creating the tickets and posters. The hardest thing was thinking how to write the magazine article.

The CTE: Intro to Performing Arts teacher is Heather Cullen, the founder of the non-profit: The Windsor Performing Arts Academy. We asked her why she spends so much time with kids doing stuff that’s much easier for grown ups to do. She said, “Because it brings me a lot of joy to help people find what is amazing and awesome inside of them. Kids are more capable than they realize. Doing real, authentic things is very meaningful and builds great self esteem.”

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