Meet Heidi Adler (September)

Heidi Adler & Husband Brian Callahan The two have lived in Windsor for 24 years. They have been together for 22 years and married for 4 – they decided to make their 13 year engagement official during covid.

When I’m not working as a School Director, I am also a professional pet and family photographer. I love spending all of my free time taking pictures and creating artwork of adorable pets and the people who love them. I also volunteer my time doing photography and fundraising for local service dog and rescue organizations.

Heidi Adler – ACE School Director, Santa Rosa Campus I’ve been with Anova for 16 years. I am a Licensed Educational Psychologist and have always been passionate about working with students on the Autism spectrum, a calling I’ve felt throughout my 30-year career. Previously, I served as a Program Manager in a local school district, where I frequently placed students at Anova. I was consistently impressed by the significant positive changes I saw in the students and their families. During my visits with families, I noticed that everyone at Anova truly enjoyed their work, and the atmosphere was incredibly positive.

How have you seen the needs of neurodivergent students evolve in the community? I’ve observed significant changes in the needs of neurodivergent students over the years, both within our community and beyond. These evolving needs demonstrate the crucial role of schools like the Anova Center for Education. The increasing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity have highlighted the importance of educational environments that can address the unique challenges and strengths of these students.

Can you share a memorable story about a former student who has gone on to thrive in Windsor? Last summer, I was getting my mail when a young man rode by on his bicycle, stopped, and said I looked familiar. I told him I was his principal when he attended Anova. He broke into a big smile and said, Ms. Heidi? It turned out that we live in the same neighborhood. He had only been at Anova for a short time but acquired the skills needed to succeed in a public school setting. He was so excited to share his plans for the upcoming freshman year at Windsor High School.

Another memorable student attended Anova from the age of 5 until 22. He made remarkable progress and worked incredibly hard. Now, I often see him working at Safeway. He still calls me Ms. Heidi and is always excited to update me about his job and everything happening in his life and makes sure to tell everyone within earshot that I was his principal and how amazing Anova is.

My favorite Anova story began before I even started working at Anova. I was having coffee with a friend to let her know about my new job. She said, Oh my goodness, Anova changed our entire neighborhood. She shared how, before attending Anova, a child in her neighborhood was isolated; no one would play with him, and other kids would go inside their houses when he came out to play. After some time at Anova, the student began integrating with the neighborhood kids and they started playing with him. He gained the skills to become a part of the community. Anova didn’t just change the child’s life or the family’s life, but positively impacted the entire neighborhood.

Do you find there is a strong sense of community spirit among Anova alumni who live and work in Windsor? Windsor alumni regularly attend special events at the school such as the Talent Show and graduation and definitely stay a part of the Anova family. When students graduate or leave Anova to transition to public school we always tell them, once they are an Anovian, they will always be an Anovian.

How has the news of the school’s rebuilding been received by the community? Have you heard from former students or parents? Yes, students and parents have been contacting us, and they are thrilled with the news of the school’s rebuilding. They are excited for all of us and eager to see the new developments. It is so heartwarming to hear from former students and parents who share in our excitement and support for this new chapter in Anova’s journey.

What role do you envision the rebuilt Anova School playing in the larger community? We envision the rebuilt Anova Center for Education playing a pivotal role in the larger community. With expanded facilities, we’ll have the capacity to serve more students, continuing our vital mission of improving the lives of our students, their families, and the communities they are part of. Our goal is to enhance our impact and provide even more support and opportunities for neurodivergent individuals to thrive and contribute positively to society. It’s about ensuring our students have access to a campus that offers the same opportunities as any public school campus. They deserve a school environment specifically designed to meet their unique needs and support their growth and development to the fullest extent. This rebuilding project represents a commitment to providing our students with the resources and facilities they deserve, enhancing their educational experience, and empowering them to succeed in their own unique ways.

What are some of the new features or improvements the rebuilt school will offer students? The new school will be designed to enhance our students’ learning environment and overall experience. Key upgrades include bathrooms in the main building ensuring convenience and comfort for students regardless of weather conditions. The addition of large windows throughout the school will bring natural light into our space, creating a brighter and more inviting atmosphere conducive to learning. Outside, our new campus will feature an amazing playground alongside dedicated areas carefully designed to support our students’ sensory needs and self-regulation. Inside, the multipurpose room equipped with a stage will facilitate various activities and events, fostering community engagement and student participation.

Additionally, our facilities will include STEAM classrooms to promote hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics, and a library to encourage reading and research. These enhancements are not just about infrastructure but about creating a supportive and enriching environment that empowers our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the future of Anova School? My hopes and aspirations for the future of Anova are centered around our ability to serve as many students as possible. I envision a future where every student who can benefit from our dedicated and talented staff and our specialized program and state-of-the-art facility has the opportunity to do so. My goal is for the Anova Center for Education to continue expanding its reach and impact, ensuring that we can support the unique needs of neurodivergent students to the greatest extent possible.

How do you see the rebuilt school impacting the lives of future generations of students? The new school will impact the lives of future generations of students by providing them with a state-of-the-art facility that is specifically designed to meet their needs. This environment will not only support their academic learning but also their social and emotional development. By creating a nurturing and inclusive space, our goal is to empower these students to reach their full potential and become confident, capable individuals who contribute positively to their communities.

Is there a specific message you’d like to convey to the Windsor community about Anova School? There is a wonderful resource for neurodivergent individuals right in our own backyard. The Anova Center for Education is not just a school but a supportive community dedicated to empowering students with autism and other neurodivergent challenges. We strive to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. The new school will enhance our ability to serve the Windsor community by offering state-of-the-art facilities that cater to the specific needs of our students. We invite the Windsor community to partner with us, learn more about our mission, and support our efforts to create a brighter future for neurodivergent individuals. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students and contribute positively to our community.

How can the community get involved in supporting Anova School beyond financial contributions? The community can get involved in supporting our school by spreading the word about the important work we do. Sharing our mission and achievements with friends, family, and colleagues helps raise awareness and understanding of neurodiversity and the specialized education we provide.

BRIAN CALLAHAN (HEIDI’S HUSBAND) I hear the compliments and see the thank you notes from parents and students expressing their gratitude for the life-changing impact Anova has made in their lives. I also see the countless hours, often after hours, Heidi spends problem-solving and working to make the best environment possible for both students and staff. The school is in constant change. Making incremental improvements to curriculum, programs, staffing, etc. is Heidi’s and her team’s daily focus. Heidi has led the charge to reinvent in all these situations while never neglecting her main objective, the students. Heidi has built and nurtured a team of highly dedicated individuals who all play a vital role in the daily operation and in numerous reinventions.

To celebrate Heidi’s accomplishments and support her during challenging times Brian says: Primarily, I make wine which is appropriate for celebrations and for coping (; it works both ways. After the Tubbs fire destroyed the school, I made a wine to celebrate Heidi and to benefit the rebuilding effort, the Anova Phoenix Pinot. At home, I try to be sensitive to her high stress days and give her the space and support to decompress and recover.

Having worked with Ms. Adler for so long, what are some of the leadership qualities you admire most about her? Heidi Adler is a rare leader who possesses a perfect combination of compassionate guidance and authoritative presence. She is universally respected and admired by her faculty and staff due to her uncanny ability to manage difficult situations with humor and grace while also making difficult decisions that may be unpopular but necessary.

Can you share an example of a time when you collaborated with Ms. Adler on a project for the benefit of Anova students? I have collaborated with Heidi on too many projects and components of the Anova School program to enumerate. For over 15 years, I have enjoyed a professional relationship with her that has resulted in countless projects that directly benefit our community. Most recently, Ms. Adler has worked tirelessly with her staff to create a transition plan to move into our new school campus all while helping to design almost every aspect of the school physical plant from the ground up. The new Anova School campus will be a world-class and one-of-a-kind facility worthy of the nationally recognized model we have provided at Anova, and Ms. Adler has been an irreplaceable part of this huge undertaking.

How has working at Anova School, and supporting students with autism and other neurodivergent challenges, impacted you personally and professionally? I have devoted the past 40 years of my life to serving students and families with Autism. I founded Anova in 2000 and have become so intertwined with the Anova mission of serving neurodiverse students that it has become my primary identity and life’s calling. During this time, autism has evolved from being a rare and misunderstood disorder to a neurological divergence that can sometimes provide benefits when properly accommodated. The Anova school is a reflection of a lifetime of work and learning alongside the best professionals in the business.

The school’s reconstruction is a significant undertaking. What are you most excited about for the future of Anova and its students? I am most excited that Anova students will finally be able to attend school in a building that looks and feels like a school! Our campus will be beautiful and contain all the components required of a proper learning environment, including a library, cafeteria, playground, and specially designed classrooms. The Anova mission and therapy program is world-class and now our facility will be too!

Over your years at Anova, you’ve likely faced challenges and celebrated successes. Briefly share a time where you overcame an obstacle to support the school’s mission. In October 2017 the Tubb’s Fire ravaged Sonoma County and destroyed our school and years of work within a matter of hours. Nine Anova students also lost their homes that night. Our community was devastated and the path forward was not immediately clear. However, through the vision of leadership and the incredible hard work and tenacity of the Anova team we were able to re-open our program within 3 weeks. Since that time, we have worked passionately to create the awareness and capital necessary to build our own campus from the wreckage of a rented disaster zone and plan the campus of our dreams. After 7 years of blood, sweat, and tears, Anova is finally ready to rise from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix and house our students in the home they deserve.

Anova fosters a strong sense of community. How do you see the rebuilt school continuing to nurture this spirit among staff, students, and alumni? Anova is more than a school…it is a sacred mission. Our dedicated team has touched the lives of thousands of people over the past two decades plus. Our strength has always been the joy and passion of our team combined with their leading-edge technology and technique. In 2025, the Anova faculty and staff led by Heidi Adler will finally occupy a school campus that comes close to matching the quality of the people inside.